School Leaders Attend Special Party Lecture at the Graduate Fourth Party Branch of the College of Mining, Guizhou University

On March 20th at noon, Tang Benwen, member of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Commissioner for Supervision, conducted a special party lecture for the Graduate Fourth Party Branch of the College of Mining, Guizhou University, in Room 107D of the East Building on the West Campus of Guizhou University. The theme of the party lecture was The Advantages and Development Process of the Socialist Political System with Chinese Characteristics and People's Democracy. Twenty-seven party members from the Graduate Fourth Party Branch of the College of Mining attended the meeting.

Secretary Tang Benwen conveyed that the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics is an integral part of the overall socialist system with Chinese characteristics. This includes the fundamental political system of the People's Congress system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of grassroots mass self-governance. Over the past decade, laws related to the People's Congress system have been revised and improved, strengthening the legal guarantees for the development of people's democracy throughout the entire process.

Secretary Tang Benwen emphasized that people's democracy is the lifeblood of socialism and a banner that the Communist Party of China has always held high. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has deepened its understanding of the development laws of democratic politics and proposed the significant concept of whole-process people's democracy. This has provided guidance and principles for the development of socialist political civilization. By steadily advancing whole-process people's democracy and continually developing vibrant socialist democratic politics, China's path to democracy is becoming increasingly broader.

Release date: 2024-07-17
Address: West Campus of Guizhou University, Huaxi District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province Phone: 0851-88236659
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