发布日期: 2024-08-01   阅读次数: 108







2018 年(近 3 年)以来主要承担的科研项目

1、贵州省教育厅,贵州省普通高等学校青年科技人才成长项目,磷建筑石膏物相转化与耐水性能调控研究,2021-01 至 2023-12,主持 

2、贵州省科技厅,贵州省基础研究计划(自然科学项目)项目,微波辐射快速合成α半水磷石膏及强化机制研究,2022-04 至 2025-03,主持 


4、贵州省科技厅,贵州省科技计划项目,中低品位磷矿石浮选溶液化学研究 , 2020.05-2023.05,课题负责人

2016 年(近 5 年)以来主要发表学术论著

[1] 李显波, 张覃. α半水磷石膏的制备与性能[M]. 化学工业出版社, 2020. 

[2] Xianbo Li; Qin Zhang*; Dehydration behaviour and impurity change of phosphogypsum during calcination, Construction and Building Materials [J], 2021, 311: 125328. (SCI) 

[3] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang* , Bo Hou, et al. Flotation separation of quartz from collophane using an amine collector and its adsorption mechanism [J]. Powder Technology, 2017, 318: 224-229. (SCI) 

[4] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang* , Baolin Ke, et al. Insight into the effect of maleic acid on the preparation of α-hemihydrate gypsum from phosphogypsum in Na2SO4 solution[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 493:34-40. (SCI)

[5] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang* , Zhihui Shen, et al. L-aspartic acid: A crystal modifier for preparation of hemihydrate from phosphogypsum in CaCl2 solution [J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019, 511:48-55. (SCI) 

[6] Xianbo Li, Yuqi He, Preparation of α-hemihydrate gypsum from phosphogypsum in glycerol and Na2SO4 mixed solutions under atmospheric pressure[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2021, 568-569:126184. (SCI) 

[7] Xianbo Li, Junjian Ye, ZhiHong Liu, et al. Microwave digestion and alkali fusion assisted hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash for enhanced adsorption of Cd(II) in aqueous solution [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(1):9-20. (SCI) 

[8] Xianbo Li, Junjian Ye, Yueqin Qiu, et al. Adsorption of residual amine collector HAY from aqueous solution by refined carbon from coal fly ash and activated carbon [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2017,24 (1): 30–38. (SCI) 

[9] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang* . Hydration mechanism and hardening property of α-hemihydrate phosphogypsum [J]. Minerals, 2019, 9: 733. (SCI) 

[10] Xianbo Li, Qin Zhang* . Effect of molecular structure of organic acids on the crystal habit of α-CaSO4·0.5H2O from phosphogypsum [J]. Crystals, 2020, 10: 24. (SCI) 

[11] 李显波, 叶军建, 王贤晨, 等. 盐介质对磷石膏常压盐溶液法制备 α 半水石膏的影响 研究[J]. 矿产保护与利用, 2017(6):79-86. 

[12] 李显波,马力, 刘志红,等. 活性氧化铝对废水中磷酸根离子的吸附特性研究 [J]. 非 金属矿, 2017(4):4-7. 

[13]李显波, 张覃, 刘志红, 等.碳酸钙晶须的制备、表面改性与应用研究进展[J].矿冶工 程, 2016,36:447-452. 

[14]李显波, 刘志红, 张小武, 等. 难免离子对中低品位钙镁质磷矿石反浮选的影响[J]. 武汉工程大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 550-556. 

[15] Junjian Ye, Qin Zhang* , Xianbo Li, et al. Effect of the morphology of adsorbed oleate on the wettability of a collophane surface[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 444:87-96. (SCI) 

[16] Xianchen Wang, Qin Zhang* , Xianbo Li, et al. Structural and electronic properties of different terminations for quartz (001) surfaces as well as water molecule adsorption on it: A first-principles study[J]. Minerals, 2018, 8(2):1-16. (SCI) 

[17] Junjian Ye, Xianchen Wang, Xianbo Li, et al. Effect of dispersants on dispersion stability of collophane and quartz fines in aqueous suspensions[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science & Technology, 2018:39(11):1-9. (SCI) 

[18] Jingyang Shi, Qin Zhang* , Jun Xie, Xianbo Li, et al. Dispersion behaviour of fine collophane particles in the presence of different dispersants and metal ions [J]. Separation Science and Technology, 2019:1-9. (SCI)

[19]侯波,张覃*,李显波,等.捕收剂 AY 作用下不同粒级石英浮选动力学模型研究[J].矿冶工 程, 2018,38(3):49-52. 

[20]叶军建, 王贤晨, 李显波,等.酸对捕收剂在胶磷矿和白云石表面吸附的影响[J].武汉工 程大学学报,2017,39(6):565-570. 

[21] 杨 超 , 张 覃 *, 李 龙 江 , 李显波 , 等 . 螺 旋 分 级 机 数 学 模 型 研 究 [J]. 矿 冶 工 程,2017,37(3):54-57.

2016 年(近 5 年)以来获得发明专利、科研(教学)成果奖及成果推广情况

[1]李显波, 张覃, 刘志红, 等.一种粉煤灰微波碱熔-水热合成八面沸石的方法[P]. CN106276960 A, 2017.01.04.(发明专利)



地址:贵州省贵阳市花溪区贵州大学西校区 电话:0851-83627268